| An adaptive assessment designed to provide teachers with actionable insight into student needs, offering a complete picture of student performance and growth | Designed to gauge how well students are doing in relation to the Wisconsin Academic Standards. It is a high quality, research-based, and affordable assessment that meets Wisconsin’s expectations | A research based screening, diagnostic, and progress monitoring tool used to identify students at risk of developing reading difficulties, diagnose students' knowledge of literacy fundamentals, monitor progress, and plan instruction that targeted students' needs. | Path to Reading Excellence in School Sites- a system that provides diagnostic assessments to pinpoint specific reading deficits. | A systematic way to assess a student's reading progress by evaluating a student's oral reading and identifying error patterns. These on-going assessments help determine students' strengths and weaknesses so you can plan lessons accordingly. | Assesses a student’s ability to write letters to represent the sounds they hear. There are three spelling inventories that increase in complexity of spelling skills. Once the spelling inventory is given, you can use the Feature Guide to score and identify the student's developmental level. | (CBM) is a method teachers use to find out how students are progressing in basic academic areas. | These words lists determine a student’s ability to recognize and read high-frequency words | Questions that are used to check a student’s understanding of what has been read. | Grade level passages that are read and timed to determine fluency. |