Dr. Jennifer Treptow

Dear Fall River Middle School and High School Parents, Guardians, and Community,
I am extremely honored, excited, and humbled to be principal at Fall River Middle School and High School. It is a privilege to be a part of our team of incredible students, passionate staff, dedicated parents, and supportive community members. As a life-long learner, teacher, mom of five children, and grandma, I bring my experiences inside and outside of the classroom to our school. These experiences have provided me with the knowledge and understanding that will enable me to prepare and empower our teachers and your learners to successfully contribute to our evolving world community.
I am passionate about education, and I personally find every possible opportunity to continue to learn and grow. Throughout my career, I have taught grades 5-12 across multiple subject areas including social studies, health, and English. In the fall of 2020 I defended my dissertation and graduated with a doctoral degree in Educational Innovation and Leadership. It was during this process that a conversation with my advisor sparked my dream of becoming a principal.
As we begin this year of great promise, I want you to know that I will be here to teach, guide, coach, and lead us in continued excellence.
I envision every school to be a positive place for people to grow and achieve both as individuals and as learners. To achieve this vision, I look forward to building strong relationships with all stakeholders within the district. I am here to serve our school and community and welcome your conversations. I encourage you to stay active in your student’s education and please keep the communication lines open. Together, we will continue to ensure that our students reach their full potential.
Jennifer Treptow