Because of the extreme cold weather warning, there is no school on Tuesday and no after school activities.

The Fall River schools are delayed for two hours to allow the cruise to clear the back roads

The first meeting to inform our community on the two referendum questions that will be on the November election is being held this Monday. The meeting will be held in the multipurpose room at 6:00, immediately ahead of the district annual meeting.

For summer school Monday please drop off students in the elementary parking lot off Kane St. There will be no parking there. It is for drop off and turnaround only. Students will enter through door 13.

With the continued snowstorm on Wednesday, the middle and high school will have a virtual learning day and elementary students will have a typical snow day. Middle and high school students should check in online with their teachers for assignments.

Together, with Columbia County we would like to do our part in increasing internet speeds and internet accessibility. To do so, the first step is to identify and document the areas with no broadband/internet or limited access to it. That's where you come in. Please click on the attached link and follow the instructions to submit your speed test.
Thank you,

Hello all,
We are happy to announce we have added the 1947-1948 yearbook to our website. See link below.

The fall river schools will not be holding classes in person this Friday because of the snowstorm. Middle school and high school students will have some virtual lessons supplied in Google classroom like you saw in Dr. Treptow's email yesterday. The DPI requires a different minimum number of hours of instruction for elementary students than high school and middle schools students. We don't have another full snow day left for middle and high school students.
Elementary students will not have virtual classes. It will be a normal snow day.

The Fall River School District will be on a two hour delay Wednesday, January 10 while we wait for the plows to clear the secondary roads after yesterday's snow storm.

Today is the last day for the FFA/SkillsUSA/ Robotics Fundraiser.
We are selling Fruit, Cheese, Beef sticks and Nuts
If you were missed by a student and are interested in making a purchase please stop down and talk to either myself or Ryan Seichter.
Ryan Christian

Hello all,
MWSTS Home Field Pride Contest: Finals Vote now open.
Please take a moment to vote for our district. Click the link below and scan the code.

Fall River School District is such an amazing place where even the students take part in keeping things spiffy! Today's MVP!

Hello Fall River,
I want to take this opportunity to reach out and introduce myself as Fall River School Districts next Athletic and Recreation Director for the 2023-2024 school year! I am thrilled to be joining a community that supports the foundations of strong academic and athletic programs community wide. I grew up in Wisconsin, born in Monroe and resided much of my childhood in Janesville. I attended Craig High School, where I participated in football, wrestling, baseball, and basketball, earning all conference and all region in football and wrestling. Upon my high school graduation, I attended the University of Wisconsin River Falls where I played college football and basketball, while earning a degree in sports management with a minor in coaching and secondary education. After graduation from River Falls, I started a career in athletics and recreation management at the Job Corps Center for the Department of Labor in St. Paul, Minnesota and later moved to Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After seven years in the sports and recreation industry, I returned to school and received a Master's Degree in K-12 education from George Williams College in 2014. In 2016, I completed a masters degree from Saint Mary’s University, Minnesota in special education with a focus in behavior and trauma. For the past nine years, I have worked for the Elkhorn Area School District working with K-12 students in a variety of roles including coaching, special education coordinator, summer school principal, and my most recent role as a workforce development coordinator. I have also been involved with coaching football, wrestling, and strength and conditioning. In April of 2023, I completed my Masters degree in Educational Leadership from Saint Mary’s University.
During my free time I am an avid sports fan, go Wisconsin Badgers!! I am also a Chicago Bears football fan, there is a story behind why I put myself through being a Bears fan in Wisconsin. Some of my passions outside of school include coaching, attending sporting events, hiking with my dog and family, bicycling, lifting, cooking, traveling, and old cars. I have been married for 11 years to my wife Ann Mary and we have one daughter Brinley who is eight years old and finishing up second grade. I would like to personally thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with such a great community. I look forward to meeting with all of you and hope to continue to build strong academic and athletic programs for future generations to come. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you need anything. I can be contacted at bschliem@fallriver.k12.wi.us or by phone at 406-580-2720.
Brock Schliem

Please click on the link below to view the 2023 FRSD Senior Graduation slide show.

What a great year! Below you will find links to the 2023 Graduation and the Senior walk through.
Senior walk through -
2023 Graduation
Video 1 -
Video 2 -
We will also have the Senior slide show posted soon.
Thank you,

The FCC’s new National Broadband Map shows internet availability data nationwide, and for the first time, accepts input from consumers like you! Go to BroadbandMap.gov, search for your home or small business. If the reported service or speed is not available for purchase, submit a challenge to correct the map. Help Improve the map! More information at FCC.gov/BroadbandData/consumers.
The FCC wants to make sure that all locations are represented on the National Broadband Map. Search for your home or small business at BroadbandMap.gov. If the information about your location is wrong, or the location is missing from the map, submit a challenge to correct it! More information at FCC.gov/BroadbandData/consumers.

The School Board Candidate Forum will be held tonight, Wednesday, March 9 at 7:00 PM in the Multi-purpose room. Come meet the five candidates for the April 5th election. Thank you to the Columbus/Fall River Rotary Club for hosting this event.

The December School Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 15 at 6 p.m. in the Library. Visit the following link for details.

The November School Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, November 17 at 6 p.m. in the Library. Visit the following link for details.

The October School Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 27 at 6 p.m. in the Multipurpose Room. See attached agenda for details.